iTerm2, ssh, and remote tmux session integration for vim


If you often use vim, especially while working on remote servers, you know how annoying getting mouse integration to work is. Here is what I have found works best for me. What I wanted was:

Mouse scroll is the thing that suffers here, for me. If you do set mouse=a you get the best vim scrolling behavior as in this video: As in this video:


But then to copy/paste you must hold Option(⌥) when selecting text with the mouse. I always forget this, so I settle for worse scrolling by keeping the mouse setting unset: set mouse= which is the vim default. You also lose the ability to click a position to locate the cursor at the click. See the difference:

I also like to use iTerm2’s native support for tmux because I can never remember the default keys. One of the first things I did upon learning tmux was to use personalized keys for actions like splitting windows. That might have been a mistake. Now when I go to a remote server, my custom settings and theme and vim integrations are all useless there.

Here’s a nifty function I found on stackoverflow. I also highly recommend that you enable completion for the function. My preferred completion is to behave like ssh so I can tab-complete for hostnames. The compdef command might be specific to zsh so it might take a little tweaking between OS’es, distros, and shells.

You’ll notice I use autossh, if you want to use plain ssh replace autossh -M 8888 with ssh and you’re good. You will also want to change the kmaris session name to something else 🙂. Using new -A -s will ensure that tmux will use an existing session with that name, or create a new session with that name.

# tmux+ssh helper function with iterm integration
function tmssh () {
  if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
    echo "usage: $me [ssh-args] hostname"
    return 1

  autossh -M 8888 "$@" -t 'tmux -CC new -A -s kmaris'
compdef tmssh=ssh